New Here?

If you’re new to Zion and aren’t sure what to expect on Sunday morning, we’ve left answers to a few basic questions here to make you feel more comfortable. If you have any other questions or concerns about what Sunday mornings at Zion look like, please contact us!




What is your service like?

Our main order of worship (or Liturgy) we follow is called the Divine Service. It is called that because in worship “ the Divine” is serving us. When we gather to hear God’s Word and Receive the body and blood of Christ, God comes to us and blesses us with all the blessings that flow from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

At Zion, we use the Lutheran Service Book in our worship services. Joining our voices with those who have come before us, we Respond to God by thanking him and praising him for the gifts we receive in the Divine Service. The Lutheran Service Book allows us to do this with hymn texts that can date as far back as the third and fourth centuries and tunes written as recently as 2004.

Because we know how good his gifts for us are, each week we Return to God’s Word and sacraments and we anxiously anticipate the forgiveness, life, and salvation that he promises to give us.

If using a hymnal and following an order of service is unfamiliar to you, we invite you to find a seat and observe.

How long are the services?

Divine Service typically spans 50min. to 1 hour. If there is a special event, like a baptism, it might be a little longer.

What should I wear?

Here at Zion, we dress differently than we would if we were going to a cookout with friends or going to a sporting event. Although it varies with the time of the year, generally, we wear more formal attire. All this means is that visitors are invited to wear their nicer clothing and dress modestly. This will look differently depending on your own situation in life. We welcome all who come to worship God with us regardless of what your “Sunday’s best” might look like.

Where are You?

Directions can be found here. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to reach out to our minister.

Where is the Entrance?

We know that it’s difficult to tell where the entrance is if you haven’t been here before. But our entrance is the double doors located on your right if you’re approaching the building. See the photos below for a better understanding. We hope to meet you soon!